This sophisticated cocktail combines the delicate flavours of floral-infused sparkling water, tangy lemon syrup, and sweet elderflower syrup, with a kick of your favourite spirit for a truly Sweet Surprise!
125 ml Floral G & Tea
10 ml Lemon Syrup
10 ml Elderflower Syrup
Spike it up with Vodka or Gin
To taste add fresh mint leaves and garnish it with lemon slices and elderflower flowers.
- Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
- Pour in the Floral G & Tea, Lemon Syrup, and Hibiscus Syrup.
- Add the desired amount of Vodka or Gin to the shaker.
- Shake the ingredients vigorously until well combined and chilled.
- Strain the mixture into a chilled glass filled with ice.
- Garnish with edible flowers and lemon twists for an extra touch of elegance.
- Serve immediately and enjoy your refreshing Sweet Surprise cocktail!